Definitions of the OUS referral area for the orthopaedic healthcare atlas

In the main analyses of the orthopaedic healthcare atlas, the hospital referral areas of Lovisenberg and Diakonhjemmet align with the referral area of Oslo University Hospital, denoted by its Norwegian abbreviation, OUS. The results from main analyses are shown in the report, in fact sheets as well as in the interactive map. Definitions of the OUS referral area as assumed in the report can be found here. In addition, health care use rates (number of operations or hospitalizations per 100 000 population) have been analyzed for each OUS subarea:

  • OUS: The city areas of Sagene, Nordre Aker, Bjerke, Østensjø, Nordstrand, Søndre Nordstrand and Marka
  • Lovisenberg: The city areas of Gamle Oslo, Grünerløkka, St. Hanshaugen and City Centre
  • Diakonhjemmet: The city areas of Frogner, Ullern and Vestre Aker

Results from the additional analysis can be found by downloading the PFD file (additional report for OUS). The city areas of Grorud, Stovner and Alna in Oslo are parts of the Ahus hospital referral ares, and are therefore not included in the division above.